Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine

The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine was founded in Mehr, 1348 with 8 students and 1 faculty member and was the second after Tehran University to start this field of study in Iran.


The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine was founded in Mehr, 1348 with 8 students and 1 faculty member and was the second after Tehran University to start this field of study in Iran. This faculty now occupies over 105 acres of land and offers 17 phD degree programs in veterinary medicine besides a professional degree in veterinary medicine and a master's degree in veterinary physiology. It published the first veterinary journal in Iran in 1378 which received the science-research status in 1381. The journal publishes selected articles in Persian and English languages.

In addition to admitting students in professional doctorate of veterinary medicine and master of veterinary physiology, this faculty trains specialists in 16 fields of study including anatomy, comparative embryology (PhD), comparative histology (PhD), veterinary surgery, internal diseases of large animals, Poultry health and diseases, small livestock internal diseases, clinical pathology, aquatic health and diseases, veterinary pathology, veterinary parasitology, food hygiene, midwifery and animal reproductive diseases, and veterinary biochemistry.

In addition to providing extensive veterinary services through the prevention, eradication and treatment of animal diseases, the graduates of the professional doctoral program of the School of Veterinary Medicine also play an essential role in controlling and eradicating zoonotic diseases by health monitoring foodstuff of animal origin. In addition to serving as faculty members in veterinary medicine faculties, graduates from this faculty work in other institutions related to veterinary, life and medical sciences.

The number of units required for graduation in the professional doctoral program is 220 units, in the specialized doctoral program (residency) is 60 units on average, and in the specialized doctoral program (Ph.D) is 36 units.

 Number of current students: 328

Number of current residents: 123


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