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اطلاعیه ثبت نام پذیرفته شدگان مرحله تکمیل ظرفیت...
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بکارگیری یاوران علمی محترم رسمی، پیمانی و قراردادی...

Research and scientific

- تاسیس 1380
- پژوهش 13
- راهکار 52

- تاسیس 1390
- پژوهش 13
- راهکار 90

- تاسیس 1354
- پژوهش 13
- راهکار 54
پژوهشکده نجوم، اخترفیزیک و فناوری ابزارهای نجومی
رصدخانه ابوریحان بیرونی توسط آقای دکتر یوسف ثبوتی و با همکاری آقای دکتر فرانسیس گانین (ادوارد) در سال ۱۳۵۴ راهاندازی و تأسیس شد و فعالیتهای این مرکز کم و بیش در طول سه دهه گذشته ادامه داشته است. از جمله اهداف این مرکز تحقیقاتی میتوان...
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- تاسیس 1380
- پژوهش 13
- راهکار 80
پژوهشکده علوم اجتماعی
پژوهشکده علوم اجتماعی دانشگاه شیراز با هدف ساماندهی مراکز تحقیقاتی در زمینه علوماجتماعی (مرکز جمعیتشناسی، مرکز مطالعات اجتماعی زنان و مرکز منطقهای مطالعات اجتماعی – روانشناختی جوانان) تقویت سازمانیافته ابعاد نظری و عملی پژوهش در علوماجتماعی و...
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- تاسیس 1384
- 27 پژوهش
- 40 راهکار
پژوهشکده بیوتکنولوژی
خوشبختانه با درایت و تأکید مقام معظم رهبری و مسئولین محترم نظام جمهوری اسلامی ایران، در راستای تحقق چشم انداز ۲۰ ساله جمهوری اسلامی ایران به جنبش نرم افزاری و بهبود سطح کیفیت و امنیت زندگی مردم، سند ملی راهبرد زیست فناوری (ایران سبز) در جمهوری...
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- تاسیس 1386
- 27 پژوهش
- 40 راهکار
پژوهشکده نانوتکنولوژی
پژوهشکده فناوری نانو دانشگاه شیراز فعالیت رسمی خود را در اردیبهشت ماه سال ۱۳۸۶ آغاز نمود. هدف از تأسیس این مرکز، ایجاد بستری مناسب برای فعالیت پژوهشگران حوزه فناوری نانو در دانشگاه شیراز، هماهنگ نمودن فعالیت های متنوع، فراهم آوردن زمینه ای مساعد...
Read MoreFaculties and Departments

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
The Faculty of Veterinary Medicine was founded in Mehr, 1348 with 8 students and 1 faculty member and was the second after Tehran University to start this field of study in Iran.
Faculty of Science
The Faculty of Science has been constantly active in the promotion of research and knowledge since it was started in 1334.

The Faculty of Materials Science and Civil Engineering
The Faculty of Engineering was founded in 1343 in the current location of Engineering Building Number One by enrolling a total of 30 students,
Faculty of Letters and Humanities
Shiraz is the cradle of knowledge and the birthplace of great Persian poets and writers. The Faculty of letters was founded mainly due to its vicinity to the Tomb of Hafiz, the great Shirazi poet, and has been home to great figures of science and literature since its...

Faculty of Economics, Management and Social Sciences
This faculty was founded in1382 (2002) under the title of faculty of social sciences at Shiraz University System and comprised three departments.
Faculty of Law and political sciences
This faculty was founded in 1356 under the name of faculty of law comprising a single department, i.e. law, in the Shiraz University System. In 1372, the first master's degree program in public law and private law started with the admission of students, and then in...

Faculty of Theology and Islamic Studies
The Department of Theology and Islamic Studies was founded in 1983 at the Faculty of Literature and Humanities, the purpose of which was to raise the religious knowledge of students by offering general courses in Islamic education.
Darab Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Foundation year: 1367 Number of students admitted in the first year when it was started: 14

Faculty of Modern technologies
Faculty of Modern technologies was founded for the purpose of starting interdisciplinary fields and subfields and conducting research in the area of modern technology. In the first step, the master's study program in chemical nano-engineering was started and other...
The Faculty Arts and Architecture
Fars Province has long played a great role in shaping the Islamic-Iranian civilization, art and architecture, and a substantial part of our cultural heritage is located in this province.

The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
The application of mechanical engineering in different engineering sciences is such that none of these sciences can be imagined independently of mechanics. Graduates of mechanical engineering have always had a special place in industry. Many of them are currently...
Faculty of Education and Psychology
The proposal for starting the faculty of education as an academic unit of Shiraz University was presented to the Ministry of Higher Education by the late Professor Asghar Razavieh. The general principles of the proposal were accepted in 1353. In 1356, it started to work...

Faculty of Agriculture
The faculty of Agriculture was founded as one of the academic educational units of Shiraz University in 1334. The courses were initially taught primarily by visiting professors invited from other universities in Iran. In 1340, the faculty moved to its present location...
The Faculty of Electricity and Computer
The invention and use of electricity is one of the greatest experiences of human beings. The progress of science and technology has, therefore, accelerated unprecedentedly in the past two centuries compared to previous centuries. The vast employment of electricity and...

The faculty of Petroleum, Gas, and Chemical Engineering
Human beings have long paid special attention to the behavior of materials (substances) and the interactions in the nature and using these interactions to improve the quality of life and advance their scientific and industrial goals.
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