مدیریت دانشگاه

    ریاست دانشگاه

    Dr. Mohammad Moazeni


    PhD     Shiraz University, Iran      1996 -  2000

    Field of study: Veterinary Parasitology

    Thesis:  serum diagnosis of fasciolosis in sheep


    Doctor of Veterinary medicine     Shiraz University, Iran     1986-1992

    Field of study: Veterinary medicine 

    Thesis: Study of histopathological lesions of infectious bronchitis in poultry 1986 to 1992

    Click here to view the full resume of Dr. Mohammad Moazeni



      Contact number: +987136286416  and +987136286417

    Fax: +987136286419

    Email address:



    Duties and responsibilities of the chancellor

    Close and continuous supervision over the proper implementation of educational, research, cultural, student, health, medical, and service affairs

    Employment, appointment, mission, discharge, dismissal and promotion of faculty members, development of management and resources

    recruitment, appointment, mission, promotion and dismissal of employees

    all domestic and international communications and coordination of different units

    responding to the competent authorities and following up on possible problems and violations and referring them to the competent authorities

    Determining the executive policy of the university based on the strategic plans approved by the relevant board of trustees,

    planning and directing cultural, educational, research, student, health, medical, and service activities

    development of management and university resources within the framework of the strategic plans.

    Submitting the annual report of educational, research, cultural, executive, financial and accounting performance of the university to the Board of Trustees and the relevant ministry

    Responsible for all university affairs and proper implementation of all resolutions of the Board of Trustees within the limits of the approved regulations and by-laws and circulars issued by the relevant ministry and notifying them to the relevant units as the case may be.

    Appointment and dismissal of board members, full members of the University Council, and heads of faculties, institutes and affiliated units, and managers of educational and research departments (in accordance with the provisions of the comprehensive university management regulations) and university staff managers

    Implementation of approvals, regulations and directives issued by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology

    Preparing and proposing strategic plans, policies, objectives and policies for the Board of Trustees

    Proposing the establishment, development, dissolution and merger of units in coordination with the University Council to the relevant Board of Trustees

    Submitting a proposal for scientific cooperation with other domestic and foreign educational or research institutions to the University Council in accordance with the relevant rules and regulations

    Legal representation of the university with the competent authorities

    Ensuring the interests and rights of the university in legal authorities (including judicial, executive, administrative, etc.) on behalf of the university

    Supervision of university disciplinary affairs (faculty, students, staff) within the approved rules and regulations

    Signing contracts, binding documents, financial documents, administrative documents, and university correspondence within the framework of approved rules and regulations

    Responsible for university finances according to laws, financial-transactional and administrative regulations, as well as (according to) regulations and notified approvals

    Answering to the Board of Trustees for audit reports, following up and resolving problems and issues raised in the audit report and submitting the reports to the Board of Trustees

    Preparation of financial-transactional, administrative, employment and organizational regulations, and organizational chart and university organization as well as changing and amending the above mentioned within the framework of the rules and regulations of the Ministry and proposing to the Board of Trustees for legal steps

    Preparing the detailed annual budget of the university observing the provisions of the financial-transaction regulations, and presenting it to the board of trustees, as well as supervising the way the budget allocated to the university is spent.

    Establishment of an advisory council consisting of five prominent professors in various fields of education, research, culture and administration (preferably with a higher academic rank than assistant professor)


    1. دکتر ذبیح الله قربان  1340- 1336
    2. دکتر محمدعلی مجتهدی  1340-1341
    3. دکتر لطفعلی صورتگر   1341-1343
    4. دکتر اسدالله علم    1343-1347
    5. دکتر هوشنگ نهاوندی 1347-1350
    6. دکتر فرهنگ مهر   1350-1357
    7. دکتر امیرهوشنگ مهریار   1358-1359
    8. دکتر حسن ظهور  1359-1360
    9. دکتر مصطفی معین نجف‌آبادی   1360-1362
    10. دکتر محمدرضا فرتوک‌زاده 1362-1363
    11. دکتر رضا ملک‌زاده   1363-1366
    12. دکتر عبدالحمید ریاضی  1366-1367
    13. دکتر سید رضا قاضی 1367-1371
    14. دکتر غلامحسین زمانی 1371-1375
    15. دکتر محمدمهدی علیشاهی   1375-1376
    16. دکتر محمود مصطفوی  1376-1380
    17. دکتر مجید ارشادلنگردوی   1380-1384
    18. دکتر محمدهادی صادقی   1384-1388
    19. دکتر محمد مؤذنی  1388-1392
    20. دکتر مجید ارشاد لنگرودی 1392-1395
    21. دکتر ابراهیم گشتاسبی راد 1395-1396
    22. دکتر حمید نادگران 1396 تا کنون